February 26, 2009

Giant Skyflower Band - Blood of the Sunworm

Rating: 8
- Last.fm

If the forest made music, this is what it would sound like. At the heart of "Blood of the Sunworm" lies a simplistic and earnest penchant for folk metres and ancient tones. Donaldson croons over heartfelt mixes of domestic and foreign sounds, acoustic guitars and sitars blending together all too well. Songs like "Bitter Wild Rabbit / Builds the Bone" contain enough essence of pop to attract those who stray from the New Weird America roots of the tree, while the 11 minute folk-epic "Meditations on Christ and the Magi" satisfies any of us who are looking for "the sounds of the universe." This music could very well accompany you on an bright and sunny day. The lo-fi quality is a staple of folk like this, and whereas some may not pull it off as well, the Giant Skyflower Band seems to. There's a song or two that isn't as comparable to some of the other songs on the album, so it feels like filler, although I acknowledge the attempt of these songs to satisfy the listener wholeheartedly. Still, even with it's minor flaws, "Blood of the Sunworm" is a magnificiently written album; those looking for a pseudo-spiritual experience should surely check it out.

Album Highlights: "Bitter Wild Rabbit / Builds the Bone", "Meditations on Christ and the Magi", "The Arcangel (Hurray for the Beast)"

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